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MBI PhD Oral Defense

Time: 11am-12pm
Date: Friday, 17 November 2017
Venue: NUS, E1-06-16
Supervisor: Prof Yan Jie

Single-molecule studies of H-NS-DNA interaction in prokaryotic cells

by Ranjit S. Gulvady, Yan Jie Group

Bacterial DNA is assembled within the cell with the help of a class of proteins called the Nucleoid Associated Proteins (NAPs). The Histone-like Nucleoid Structuring Protein, or H-NS, has been shown to be one of the major NAPs that assists in the silencing of potentially virulent genes. While a lot of knowledge on H-NS has been obtained via biochemical studies, the molecular mechanisms behind its gene silencing function are not as well studied. For my PhD, I performed biophysical studies on the H-NS protein using the magnetic tweezers. H-NS is known to bind to specific high-affinity AT-rich nucleation sites with the aid of its C-terminus. The propensity of H-NS to bind to one such site – the 10 bp proU nucleation site  – was demonstrated by performing a DNA sequence-dependent study. Next, in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanism employed by H-NS in DNA binding, the role of the H-NS linker that connects the C and N-terminal was investigated. Point mutations on the linker resulted in a sharp decrease in the binding affinity in comparison to wt H-NS, suggesting a charge-dependent mechanism for DNA-binding, and highlighting the importance of the H-NS linker in its binding function. In our final study, H-NS-DNA binding experiments were done with a longer DNA, where two proU nucleation sites were placed apart from one another. These experiments suggested that H-NS initially identifies the two nucleation sites before undergoing local spreading to completely cover the DNA. Taken together, these results strengthen our understanding of H-NS-DNA binding, and offer a potential mechanism by which H-NS carries out its function of gene silencing.

*Please note the examination following the seminar is closed-door*

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About the Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore

About MBIOne of four Research Centres of Excellence at NUS, MBI is working to identify, measure and describe how the forces for motility and morphogenesis are expressed at the molecular, cellular and tissue level.
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