Seminar Series, Workshops and Groups at MBI

The Mechanobiology Institute is committed to developing better ways to bring together the multi-disciplinary expertise that is needed to understand the systems biology of mechanical functions.

Aligned with our mission is the importance of nurturing a creative environment wherein principal investigators, researchers and students may come together to share their research and experience.  MBI promotes and sponsors seminars, conferences, workshops and training sessions, and more to increase and foster interaction between students, faculty and staff.

See all MBI events

MBI Weekly Seminar

MBI’s weekly seminar series is the institute’s primary vehicle to present and share MBI’s on-going research in a collaborative, informal environment. The series is attended by MBI principal investigators, researchers and students as well as other interested researchers from the National University of Singapore and larger research community. The weekly seminar also features invited guests from other disciplines and departments as well as visiting faculty from all over the world.

See current MBI Weekly Seminars

MBI Student and Postdoc Seminar Series (SPSS)

The series provides speakers the opportunity to practice in presenting work to a non-specialist audience, learn how to speak to a time limit as is the case for conference presentations, and gain practice and experience in learning to deal with questions. Attendees benefit from a greater awareness of work across MBI, exposure to possible new techniques that may be useful for their own work, and the opportunity to ask questions in a more informal environment.

See current SPSS seminars

MBI Graduate Student Club (MBI GSC)

The MBI Graduate Student Club organizes seminars and workshops on topics of interest to graduate students. Past talks have included presentations and discussions on career choice and job hunting, career opportunities in the academia and industry, advice for career preparation, and other topics of practical interest to graduate students.

See this month’s MBI GSC talks and seminars

MBI Women in Science Initiative

MBI WIS is an organization of graduate students, staff, post-doctoral fellows and faculty dedicated to achieving equity and full participation of women in all areas of science. We seek to increase the participation of women in science at all levels, and to enable the advancement and success of women scientists. MBI WIS organizes events, such at the BIOS series of symposiums, and sponsors in-house career talks for our students and staff.

Learn more about the MBI’s Women in Science Initiative

Workshops and Conferences

The MBI’s researchers and students organize practical workshops in topics of immediate use to our community. These workshops range from hands-on experience with advanced imagining techniques and methods, to study and practice with popular imaging software, to introductory programming languages of benefit to non-computer scientists.

View this month’s conferences and workshops
See workshops and conferences archive

MBI Theory Group

The MBI Theory Group meets regularly to study the physical features of cell morphology and dynamics. Current projects include: Elementary Contractile Units, Epithelium Dynamics & Morphology, Muscle Development, Cell adhesion, Fluctuations in Tissue Networks, Cell Packing in Curved Geometries, and many more.

Learn more about the MBI Theory Group