MBI’s High-Throughput Molecular Genetics Core

The High-Throughput Molecular Genetics (HMG) Core is committed to developing and implementing molecular genetics and systems biology methodologies. We offer MBI and NUS scientists an abundance of expertise, services, and collaborative partnerships to advance the pace of research and inspire new scientific ideas.

The services of the previous Protein Cloning and Expression Core have been integrated into the HMG core to provide a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge molecular and cellular research tools to meet the growing needs of MBI researchers in gene editing, functional genomics, and single-cell genomics.

Managed by full-time research staff, the HMG Core’s current services include:

  • Molecular Cloning
  • Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting
  • Single Cell/Low Input RNA Sequencing
  • CRISPR Screening

Molecular Cloning

The HMG Core offers high-quality molecular cloning services to meet research needs. Whether to clone a gene, expression vector, CRISPR/Cas9 construct or any other DNA fragment, we provide expertise and resources for quick and accurate delivery. Other than standard cloning methods, we also utilise advanced techniques such as Gibson assembly, Golden Gate assembly, and In-Fusion cloning, and perform site-directed mutagenesis, subcloning, and multiple fragment cloning. We also work with a variety of vectors and host cells, including bacterial, yeast, insect, and mammalian systems.

Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting

Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorting (FACS) is a technique that allows the isolation of specific cells from a mixed population based on their fluorescence properties. FACS has various applications in life science research, including studying gene expression, cell signaling, cell differentiation, and cell function. It involves labeling cells with fluorescent antibodies or proteins that bind to specific markers on the cell surface or inside the cell. The labeled cells are then passed through the Cell Sorter, which employ lasers to detect and measure the fluorescence signals of each cell. Based on the fluorescence intensity and pattern, the cells can be sorted into different containers or wells using an electrostatic charge. FACS can sort cells with high speed, accuracy, and purity, and analyze multiple parameters simultaneously using different fluorophores.

Single Cell/Low Input RNA Sequencing

Single Cell/Low Input RNA sequencing is a technique that enables researchers to analyze the gene expression profiles of individual cells or small amounts of RNA. This technique can reveal cellular heterogeneity and dynamics that are otherwise masked by bulk RNA sequencing methods. Single Cell/Low Input RNA sequencing can be applied to various biological questions, such as stem cell differentiation, tissue development, immune response, and disease progression. Our bioinformatics service offers high-quality data processing, quality control, normalization, clustering, differential expression analysis, pathway enrichment analysis, and visualization. We also provide customized solutions for specific research questions and data types.

CRISPR Screening

CRISPR screening is a powerful tool for identifying genes involved in biological processes such as disease development, drug resistance, or cellular functions. The HMG Core uses CRISPR-Cas9 technology to introduce targeted mutations in the genome of cells and measure the effects of these mutations on phenotypes of interest. CRISPR screening can be performed in various formats, such as knockout, activation, or inhibition screens, depending on the research goals and questions.


Protein Expression Facility [available to MBI researchers on the MBI network only]

Researchers at NUS and MBI may access the Protein Expression Facility for training and scheduling information and to submit project requests (login required).

MBI’s Internal Component Repository (OpenFreezer)

MBI’s install of OpenFreezer is an online repository collecting and presenting information about the plasmids/clones/drugs/antibodies/chemicals and other resources internally available at MBI. Administered by MBI’s Wet Lab Core, the goal of the resource is to facilitate better communication and more efficient sharing of components among the different groups within MBI. Users may submit cloning and protein expression requests via OpenFreezer to MBI’s HMG Core. Learn more


+65 6601 5424

Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Level 5 T-Lab
National University of Singapore
5A Engineering Drive 1
Singapore 117411

Campus map

Paramasivam KATHIRVEL


Hemang Raj SINGH


LEE Yaelim
