International Collaboration at MBI

MOUs (Memorandums of Understanding) allow for cross-talk and active collaboration between MBI and partner institutions, enhancing and promoting scientific progress in the field of mechanobiology.

MOU with IFOM (FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology), Italy

IFOM_Logo-300x114In May 2014 the Mechanobiology Institute (MBI) and the FIRC Institute of Oncology (IFOM), Italy, entered an agreement to establish a Joint Research Laboratory (JRL) based at the Mechanobiology Institute. In addition, MBI and IFOM signed an MOU to foster further research collaborations at the inaugural joint symposium held at Milan, Italy on 15 July 2014. The partnership aims to develop a multi-disciplinary approach to cancer research, bringing together the biophysical and biomechanical resources developed by MBI with the cell biology expertise of IFOM. The IFOM-NUS Chair Professorship was also created, of which the recipient of this professorship is Dr. G V Shivashankar, who is also the head of the MBI-IFOM Joint Research Lab in Singapore. Find more about the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology.

Joint International Lab with CNRS France: LIA Cell Adhesion France, Singapore

cnrslogo-150x150In Nov 2011 MBI and CNRS signed a collaborative research agreement to study cell adhesion in various contexts. This agreement allows researchers and students to obtain traveling funds on collaborative projects and involves teams at MBI, ESPCI (Paris), University Paris 7 and University Bordeaux I. Current projects involve cell traction measurement, cell-cell junction formation dynamics, microwell technology and high end imaging.

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is the largest french organization for  research with a strong emphasis on fundamental knowledge.

MOU with NCBS (National Centre for Biological Sciences), Bangalore, India

The MOU between MBI and NCBS, signed on 5th November, 2010, is an understanding to promote scientific collaboration between the two institutes. This includes exchange of scientific, academic, technical information and academic material of mutual interest and identification of opportunities for  cooperation. Exchange of undergraduate and graduate students to undertake joint project study and exchange of faculty and/ or staff, organization of and participation in joint academic and scientific activities such as seminars and academic meetings are also parts of this MOU.


NCBS is a premier research institute in India, where the research interests of the faculty lie in the frontier area of biology. With the basic tenet that success in research requires research problems to be approached from a variety of directions, NCBS has researchers with a variety of backgrounds in natural sciences, mathematics and computer science tackling biological problems, through active collaborations at every level- within the country and internationally. Learn more about the National Centre for Biological Sciences.