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As a woman in leadership, Sharn has been admired for her tenacity and commitment to people, organisation and personal success. Described as a ‘careeromnivore’, she successfully juggles many roles. A career spanning 22 years, Sharn’s motto evolved; from being ‘the best of my best’, to ‘helping others become their best’.

About {embrace} worldwide

Established by Karen See and Sharn Bedi, {embrace} worldwide encapsulates their own personal and professional leadership journeys, along with studied principles backed by neuroscience and positive psychology. Having worked at an advertising agency together – ambitious career women they formed a personal alliance and bond — coaching, mentoring and sponsoring each other in what can truly be called a (mad) man’s world. With more than 45 years of work experience between them, Karen and Sharn draw on personal and professional success (and failures) to build a community that empowers and enables people to create and celebrate their happiness, confidence and success every day.

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About the National University of Singapore

About NUSA leading global university centred in Asia, NUS is Singapore's flagship university, offering a global approach to education and research with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise.

About the Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore

About MBIOne of four Research Centres of Excellence at NUS, MBI is working to identify, measure and describe how the forces for motility and morphogenesis are expressed at the molecular, cellular and tissue level.
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