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Nikon Seminar

Time: 10.30am
Date: Friday, 18 May 2018
Venue: Level 5 Seminar Room, T-Lab

Introduction to the new Nikon Eclipse Ti2 microscope platform


Our Nikon A1 microscopes are getting old and will gradually be updated to the modern body, the Eclipse Ti2. The first machine overhauled, is the level 10 A1R confocal. Later, the level 9 one and the NSTORM will follow.

The Ti2 differs in some key aspects from its predecessor and we invite users and prospective users to join this introduction to acclimate themselves with the controls, panels, and functionality.

This seminar will address all the critical upgrades, new operation modes, and features you need to know about. Key points are 1) the new controls on the scope and via a tablet, 2) the new large field of view modes,

3) the feedback-stabilized servo stage which will improve multi-point experiments, 4) a new phase mode called external phase, 5) a telescope that allows you to look at the backfocal plane, and 6) a new focus lock mode that allows for using plastic dishes and PDMS structures.

Also new lenses will be introduced that may be of interest for your work.


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About MBIOne of four Research Centres of Excellence at NUS, MBI is working to identify, measure and describe how the forces for motility and morphogenesis are expressed at the molecular, cellular and tissue level.
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