Bootcamp 2021

An Integrative Approach to Understand Cell Function

29 July to 7 August 2021

2021 Bootcamp on Mechanobiology

Due to heightened safety measures in compliance with Phase II, the 2021 Bootcamp has been postponed.

This ten-day “Bootcamp” style course will cover fundamental concepts and practical approaches in understanding cellular functions. The focus is to develop a breadth of knowledge in quantitative techniques to allow bioscience researchers to pursue further depth in their respective research work.

The Bootcamp lectures are open to all interested graduate students and post-docs. For graduate students the lectures will be reinforced in thematic-based practicals, leading to 4-MC.

Major topics include:

  • gene editing
  • cellular structure and processes
  • statistics
  • bio-imaging
  • image analysis,
  • and quantitative methods in biology

There will be extensive tutorials in using Python, complemented by a hands-on microscopy and wet-lab sessions. Students will work as part of a team to tackle problems and to develop a report on an open area of modern bioscience research.


Plenary Speakers

Prof LIM Chwee Teck
Prof LIM Chwee TeckMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore



Assoc Prof Yusuke TOYAMA
Assoc Prof Yusuke TOYAMAMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof Chii Jou CHAN, Joe
Asst Prof Chii Jou CHAN, JoeMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof Andrew HOLLE
Asst Prof Andrew HOLLEMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof LONG Yuchen
Asst Prof LONG YuchenDepartment of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof Jennifer YOUNG
Asst Prof Jennifer YOUNGMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Dr LIEU Zi Zhao, Robert
Dr LIEU Zi Zhao, RobertDepartment of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Dr Thuan Beng SAW
Dr Thuan Beng SAWMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Dr Elizabeth LEE Mei Yin
Dr Elizabeth LEE Mei Yin3D Optical Systems Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr Sam BARNETTMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Dr Richard DE METS
Dr Richard DE METSMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore

Bootcamp 2021


Assoc Prof Roman CARRASCO
Assoc Prof Roman CARRASCODepartment of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Dr Tetsuya HIRAIWA
Dr Tetsuya HIRAIWAMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Adj Assoc Prof Gregory JEDD
Adj Assoc Prof Gregory JEDDTemasek Life Sciences Laboratory
Asst Prof LAU On Sun
Asst Prof LAU On SunDepartment of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Assoc Prof Pakorn Tony KANCHANAWONG
Assoc Prof Pakorn Tony KANCHANAWONGMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof LOH Ne-Te, Duane
Asst Prof LOH Ne-Te, DuaneCentre for Bioimaging Sciences, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof Ajay Sriram MATHURU
Asst Prof Ajay Sriram MATHURUYale NUS College
Prof Antonia MONTEIRO
Prof Antonia MONTEIRODepartment of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
Assoc Prof WANG Hongyan
Assoc Prof WANG HongyanDuke NUS Medical School
Assoc Prof YEONG Foong May
Assoc Prof YEONG Foong MayDepartment of Biochemistry, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Prof YU Hanry
Prof YU HanryMechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof ZHANG Dan
Asst Prof ZHANG DanTemasek Life Sciences Laboratory






Due to heightened safety measures in compliance with Phase II, the 2021 Bootcamp has been postponed.

There are two types of programme schedule:

1. Open Lectures & Practical

The full-day programme is strictly for Year 1 NUS graduate students (Jan & Aug 2021 intakes) who would like to read MB5104 as a graded module, leading to 4-MC. This module cannot be taken as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade.

2. Open lectures

(This year, open lectures are not available to public due to safety measures)


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