Wan Jun GAN

Research Fellow, Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore

Level 10 T-Lab
National University of Singapore
5A Engineering Drive 1
Singapore 117411

Wan Jun Gan

Research Fellow

Principal Investigator

Chii Jou (Joe) Chan


Jun joined the Chan Lab in 2021 as a Postdoctoral Fellow. She obtained her Ph.D. in the University of Sydney, Australia in 2019. Under the supervision of Prof. Peter Thorn, she characterised the 3D orientation of pancreatic islet beta cells with respect to the blood vessels. She found that the cell utilizes vascular basement membrane to orientate themselves structurally and functionally to achieve efficient insulin secretion towards the blood vessels. Her current research interest lies in understanding the mechanobiology principles underlying fluid-filled antral follicle formation during early mammalian development. In particular, she is studying how tissue hydraulic forces are sensed and transduced into intracellular signals to control follicle morphogenesis and oocyte quality, and how it is affected in diseases.

Recent Publications

  1. Cottle L, Gan WJ, Gilroy I, Samra JS, Gill AJ, Loudovaris T, Thomas HE, Hawthorne WJ, Kebede MA, Thorn P. Structural and functional polarisation of human pancreatic beta cells in healthy islets and islets from type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetologia. 2021 Jan 5.
  2. Gan WJ, Motegi F. Mechanochemical control of symmetry breaking in the Caenorhabditis elegans Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020 Dec; doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.619869.
  3. Gan WJ, Do OH, Cottle L, Ma W, Kosobrodova E, Cooper-White J, Bilek M, Thorn P. Local integrin activation in pancreatic beta cells targets insulin secretion to the vasculature. Cell Reports.2018 Sep 11; 24(11): 2819-2826.
  4. Gan WJ, Zavortink M, Ludick C, Templin R, Webb R, Webb R, Ma W, Poronnik P, Parton RG, Gaisano HY, Shewan AM, Thorn P. Cell polarity defines three distinct domains in pancreatic beta-cells. Journal of Cell Science.2017 Jan 1; 130(1): 143-151.